Uvriste Inc. Apps

Speed Cars Pictures 1.0
Uvriste Inc.
You will find here the best cars in the world like the one's onAsphalt and Need for speed game who will make your phone lookgorgeous .This wallpapers application will give you energy like if you areplaying a cricket match and your phone will be happy trust me onthat.Give your Smart phone adrenaline with those prestige cars wallpaperlike : porshe,bently,camaro,BMW,ferrari and all the fast cars inthe world.
قصص الانبياء(بدون انترنت) 1.1
Uvriste Inc.
قصص الأنبياء في القرآن الكريم هي قصص لصفوة الخلق وخيرتهم علىالإطلاق، فهم هداة العالمين ورحمة الله للناس أجمعين، وما كان الله قصما قص من قصص في قرآن الكريم للتسلية والتلهي، وإنما جاء عظة وعبرةلأولي الألباب، وجاء يثير في النفس التأمل والتفكر في سنن الحياةوقواعد الاجتماع البشري وسيرة الناس عبر الزمان والمكان. وإن كانربنا، تبارك وتعالى، أنعم علينا بنعمة قصص طائفة من حكايات الأنبياءوأقوامهم فإنه يلفت النظر إلى أن المهم في تاريخ هؤلاء العظماء أ نقفعند حد العظة والعبرة. ولقد تمثل المفسر الحافظ ابن كثير منهجاًعلمياً بديعاً في عرض هذا القصص القرآني، حاول فيه الابتعاد عن خرافاتالإسرائيليات وخزعبلات القصاص وأكاذيب بعض المؤرخين.يجب على كل انسان ان يقرأ قصص الانبياء ليأخذ منها الحكمة والموعظةفكل قصة من قصص الانبياء عليهم السلام تحتوي موعظة وحكمة تختلف عنالاخرى فلا بد لنا من الاطلاع على هذه القصص ولو قصة في اليوم ويجبروايتها لابنائنا ليتعلمو منها ويتربو على الاخلاق الحسنة ماذا تنتظربعد الان !! قم بتحميل التطبيق وابدا بالقراءة!!التطبيق يحتوي على :آدم عليه السلامإدريس عليه السلامنوح عليه السلامهود عليه السلامصالح عليه السلامإبراهيم عليه السلاملوط عليه السلامإسماعيل عليه السلاماسحاق عليه السلاميعقوب عليه السلاميوسف عليه السلامأيوب عليه السلامشعيب عليه السلامموسى عليه السلامهارون عليه السلامذو الكفل عليه السلامداود عليه السلامسليمان عليه السلامإلياس عليه السلاماليسع عليه السلاميونس عليه السلامزكريا عليه السلاميحيى عليه السلاممحمد بن عبد الله عليه السلامStories ofthe Prophets at the Holy Qur'an are stories elite Creation andKhirthm ever, understand Haddat worlds and God's mercy for allpeople and what was God Cutting Cut from the stories of the QuranKareem for entertainment and distraction but came a lesson for theinitial kernels and came raise the self-meditation and reflectionat Sunan human life and the rules of the meeting and the biographyof people through time and space. Though God, the Almighty, webestowed grace array stories from Tales of the Prophets and theirpeople, it draws attention to what is important in the history ofthese great a stand at the end cues lesson. The Expositor Hafiz Ibnmany represent a scientific approach in very beautiful view thisQur'anic stories, which tried to get away from the myths andsuperstitions of Israeli retribution and lies some historians.Duty of every person to recite stories prophets to take themwisdom and beautiful Every story from the stories of Prophetscontain admonition and wisdom differ from other not we have to seethese stories even a story in today shall novel for our sons toAtalmo them and Aterbo the ethics bona Why wait any longer !!Download the app and start reading !!Application contains:Adam, peace be upon himIdris peace be upon himNoahHood peace be upon himSaleh peace be upon himAbrahamLot peace be upon himIsmail peace be upon himIsaac peace be upon himJacob peace be upon himPeace be upon himAyoub peace be upon himShueibMosesAaron, peace be upon himZulkifli peace be upon himDavid peace be upon himSolomon peace be upon himElias peace be upon himElisha, peace be upon himYounis peace be upon himZakaria peace be upon himYahya peace be upon himMuhammad ibn Abd Allah peace be upon him
Mood Scanner 2015 1.0
Uvriste Inc.
Curious as to what kind of mood someone is in?Or maybe you can't really pin-point what kind of mood your in? Ifso, then you should give "mood scanner 2015" a try. This fun freeapp will tell you exactly what kind of mood your in.How are you feeling? Excited? Bored?Scan your finger and find out your mood!Perfect app for party time, study time, lunch time.feeling excited? Go out and have fun!feeling bored? Find something useful to do!feeling hungry? Tell your mom it's dinner time!Want to know how your friends and family feel? This app is justright for you!Use our mood scanner to "magically" detect someone's mood towardyou. Have them put their finger on the device's fingerprintscanner, and whallah it will say what the person is feeling (wink,wink). Obviously, there is no device that can do such a thing butif your convincing enough you can make them believe what yourshowing them is real!An accurate mood detector, providing guaranteed fun for you andyour friends!Simple and fun to use. All you have to do is place your finger onthe scanner and the app will then determine your mood.This app is for entertainment purposes only.Download today and have some fun!Give it a try while it's completely free!
اعرف حالة مزاجك 1.0
Uvriste Inc.
المزاج هي تلك الحالة النفسية التي نحس بها طوالاليوم قد يكون مزاجنا جيد أو معتدل أو مزاج سئ أو سئ جدا فلهذا فيكثير من الأحيان نود أن نتعرف على حالة مزاجنا وعن طبيعتها لأحيطكمعلما فمعرفة المزاج له أهمية كبيرة جدا خاصة ان كان مزاجنا غير معتدلأو به خلل ما ومن هنا نعرف مكان المشكل لنبدأ في علاجهمن اجل هذا قمنا ببرمجة تطبيق بسيط يقوم التطبيق بالكشف عن حالةالمستخدم المزاجية بعد تمرير إصبعه عليه.الانسان متقلب و مزاجي يتغير مزاجه ضمن الظروف و الاحوال جهاز كشفالمزاج يكشف مزاج الشخص من خلال البصمة كل ما عليك و ضع اصبع الابهامفي المكان المخصص حت يتعرف البرنامج على مزاجك سعيد حزين غاضب متسلطخجول محبط مغرم عصبي قليل الصبر سخيف ذكي مندهش مسترخي مرتبك بارعملاحظة : هذا البرنامج للتسلية و نتائجه غير حقيقية.The mood is that thepsychological state that jinx them throughout the day may be a goodor a moderate or a bad mood or a bad very mood Vlhma often wouldlike to know the status of our mood and nature to inform you thatknowing the mood has a very great importance, especially if themood is moderate or malfunctioning what is the problem here knowwhere to begin to treatFor this we have a simple application programming the applicationdetects the user's mood state after passing his finger on it.Human fickle and temperamental mood changes within the conditionsand circumstances revealed mood device reveals a person's moodthrough fingerprint and all you have to put your thumb in the spaceuntil the program recognizes the mood Happy Sad Angry bossy shyfrustrating smitten nervous little patience silly intelligentsurprised laid-back confounded witty Note: This program is forentertainment and the results are not true.
Talking بوزبال 1.0
Uvriste Inc.
عدنا اليكم من جديد بلعبة السنة 2015 على غراراللعبة العالمية الشهيرة Talking Tom لكن بشكل جديد وبشخصية محبوبة"بوزبااااال" او "بوزي".لعبة الشخصية الكرتونية المغربية المضحكة بوزبال اضغط على بوزبالليستمع و تكلم و سيعيد ورائك كلامك .حرك هاتفك و سيفاجئك بوزبال"علق علق متي متي"."وا بروووبليييم اعشييييري"!We returned to you by thenew game of the year in 2015 along the lines of the world famousgame Talking Tom but in a new and charismatic darling "Bozbaaaaal"or "Buzi".Game cartoon character funny Bozbal Moroccan press on Bozbal tolisten and speak and will restore your words behind you.Move your phone and Sevajik Bozbal "commented Matthew commentedwhen"."Wa Browobiljiam Aahieiera!"
Chinese food recipes 2.3
Uvriste Inc.
Chinese food is not only for the local peoplebut is also liked by people from all regions of the World. As perstatistics, women like more Chinese food as compared to men.Generally Chinese foods are better in terms of health as most ofthem are boiled and properly cooked items.There's no need to go out for Chinese any more with this collectionof Chinese and Chinese-inspired recipes. Thinking of preparing aChinese banquet? Check out this Chinese New Year menu plan.Chinese food recipes app. Look no further for delicious Chineserecipes. Want to make a healthy stir fry, light soup or spicy,sinful scallion pancakes? Download the new Chinese food recipesapp.Chinese Food Recipes includes the best China Food features, recipesas well as food culture! Download this app immediately and ready totaste the real food!All the Recipes in this app are written by a Chinese Cuisineexpert. This app guides you from the start that how to completeingredients for cooking something. Also most of the Recipes in thisapplication are simple and handy to cook even for a learner inChinese dishes.One of the simplest application but comprehensive at the same timewhich contains lot of Chinese Recipes. I think this is more thanenough for any user.FEATURES:• The Most famous foods.• The food with details cooking instructions, cooking has neverbeen easy like this.• Incredibly simple to use, yet powerful and attractive.
Cars Wallpapers HD 1.0
Uvriste Inc.
Amazing, exciting car pictures HD, Verycool!It’s a matter of prestige so just go for it and spoil yourself withthese breathtaking wallpapers of newest cars!Wallpapers App is a collection of amazingly luxury beautiful carswallpapers for your android smartphone & tablets likelamborghini,porshe,Camaro,bently..Let your inner hipster shine with these one-of-a-kindwallpapers.This is by far the best full wallpapers gallery with high-depth& brilliant cars photos.Make your phone look better with those cool backgrounds!The best application of cars wallpapers on google play!!
Ring Ring 2.4
Uvriste Inc.
Ring Ring is here to customize the sound ofyour device by giving you an exclusive selection of speciallycreated and licensed ringtones, text tones, email tones, calendaralerts, tweets sounds, and more! 
Get access to the most popular, hottest, and your custom ringtonesfrom the world’s most extensive base of ringtones.A true free ringtones treat for your android phones. Fill your dayswith a good beat and fun sounds and get the latest ringtonesnow!Have you been thinking about getting a treat for your phone forbeing so loyal to you? How about you get free ringtones so thatboth you and your phone can enjoy these funny and coolringtones?This collection of best ringtones for cell phones isdesigned to suit everyone's definition of cute. Do not hesitate!Download Ring Ring for free and dive into the world of newsounds.
Automobile Wallpaper 2015 1.0
Uvriste Inc.
Are you looking for rare and amazingwallpapers to spicy up your device? Or just looking for a cool wayto pimp up your gadget with the best images around? Well look nofurther because this app will provide you with the best of all theHD images you need.Ever wanted to own a gorgeous bugatti? Or maybe the most recentporsche? Would a classic aston Martin match your phone?? What abouta yellow Ferrari? vroom vroom!!Best car wallpaper CollectionCoolest Car android BackgroundMost Famous Car BrandsOffers high quality and beautiful car wallpapers &backgrounds. Perfect for all people who love dig cars.The best described as an amazing android wallpaper app thatmakes your Phone screen stunning and unique.Automobile Wallpaper 2015 is a collection of amazing cars, bringsat the tip of your fingers some of the most luxurious and wantedcars in the world.Get access to all the images from the world's top automovilemarkers, and enjoy the 80+ images that are bundled in theapplication. NO internet connection required.In this Automobile Wallpaper 2015 application you can save and usethese beautiful and cool car wallpapers as background. Enjoy thesebeautiful cars wallpapers and give your Phone a new look.The Automobile Wallpaper 2015 include many kinds of cars, likeBMW, porsche, Bentley, Ferrari, Maserati, Lamborghini, Cadillac,Aston Martin, Rolls-Royce, Honda and many other kinds of cars.Choose your favorite and suit car wallpapers right now.New collection of car wallpaper includes many brands of carspictures such as Mustang, Mitsubishi, bentley, aston Martin,Nissan, Lamborghini, porsche and other exotic cars,Ferrari, BMW,Mercedes, Audi race cars and super cars* Porsche panamera* lamborghini aventador* ferrari laferrari* Forgestar F14 ferrari 360* Mansory ferrari F12 berlinetta stallone* lexus LFA* Bugatti veyron Grand Sport Vitesse* cadillac Evoq Conceptluxury sports cars, supercars and so on.* ford mustang GT* GM camaro* mitsubishi* lexus IF LCLarge collection of best HD Car Wallpapers & backgrounds!cool bugatti veyron Speed ​​Racer wallpaper pictures, racing fansshould not miss the classic,Automobile Wallpaper 2015 enjoy!You don't need to be worried about network connecting, because itis not required!
قس حبك ببصمة اصبعك 1.0
Uvriste Inc.
لعبة قس حبك ببصمة اصبعك لعبة حب و رومنسيةرائعة فيها تستطيع قياس نسبة للحب بينك و بين اي شخص و طريقة اللعبةسهلة جدا! لعبة قس حبك ببصمة اصبعك واحدة من اجمل العاب الحب علىالإطلاق! اختبر مقدار الحب بينك وبين حبيبتك عن طريق بصمةاصبعكما!Game priest lovefootprint finger game great romantic love and which you can measurethe proportion of love between you and any person and the way thegame is very easy! Game priest footprint love your finger and oneof the nicest games absolutely love it! Tested the amount of lovebetween you and your sweetheart through the imprint Esbekma!
شهيوات العيد 2015 -بدون انترنت 1.0
Uvriste Inc.
شهيوات رمضان 2015لاشك ان كل ربة بيت تحرص على تلبية جميع اذواق عائلتها عند الطبخلكن المعروف ان الكبير والصغير يحب الفطائر والمملحات والاكلاتالسريعة الخفيفة لذلك اخترت لك مجموعة من وصفات شهيوات عيد الفطر2015حتى لا تحتاري في تقديم الافضل لعائلتكنقدم التطبيق مغربي %100 يحتوي على أشهر الوصفات اطباق عيد الفطرسريعةفي هذا التطبيق يوجد العديد من الوصفات التي تشتهر بها عيد الفطرحاولنا جاهدين في هدا التطبيق البحث عن انواع كثيرة من وصفات الطبخالمغربية كالسلطات، الشروبات، المقبلات والمعجنات مرورا بألذ الاطباقالرئيسية بكامل انواعها و من انحاء امدن المغربية وكذلك العالمية. كماستجدين اشهى الحلويات اللذيذه و الجميلة التي سوف تزين مائدتك في عيدالفطر و في كل يوم . حملي هذا التطبيق الان وإستمتعي انت وعائلتك فيهذة الوصفات المميزة والشهية في نفس الوقت.بمناسبة قرب حلول شهر رمضان المعظم أقدم اليكم هدية بسيطة تثمثل في:وهو عبارة عن تطبيق عربي يحتوي على أشهر الوصفات "التي تخص الحلويات والفطائر التي تقدم طوال السنة ولكن تكون محبذة خصوصا خلال عيد الفطرعلى مستوى البلدان العربيةوقد حاولت في هذه الوصفات أن أمزج بين عدة مدارس وخصوصا المغرب ومصر وسوريا مع مزيج من أروع الحلويات العالمية والذي يثمثل في المدرسةالفرنسية والتي تتوفر على اشعاع عالمي كبيرالتطبيق عربي و مجاني %100 يحتوي على أشهرو أشهى الفطائروالحلوياتالتي يحبها الجميع و الكثيرين سواء الكبير والصغير على السواءيحتوي هذا التطبيق " شهيوات عيد الفطر-الحلويات والفطائر" على أشهروصفات العالم العربي و الفرنسي على ثلاثين وصفة من اشهى الحلويات والفطائر التي سوف تنال إعجاب جميع الأذواق ‏هدفنا واحد هو اسعاد كلبيت بأبسط الطرقهنا وفي هذا التطبيق " شهيوات عيد الفطر-الحلويات والفطائشهيوات مغربية وصفات اكلات جديدة وسهلة الطبخ المغربيحلويات عيد الفطر 2015حلوياتاكلات و حلوياتحلوىات عيد الفطرطبخات عيد الفطر2015اكلات جديدة 2015طرق اكلات جديدةالاكلات الرمضانيةكلات سريعة وسهلة بالصورطبخات سريعةShahyoat Ramadan 2015There is no doubt that every housewife is keen to meet thetastes of her family when cooking but is well known that large andsmall loves pancakes and Almmlhat cuisine and quick light so Ichose you a set of recipes Shahyoat Eid al-Fitr in 2015 so as notto Thtari in providing the best for your familyMoroccan offer 100% application Contains the most famous recipesdishes fast-Fitr holidayIn this application, there are many recipes which is famous for Eidal-Fitr we tried hard in Hedda application Find many kinds ofrecipes Moroccan cooking Kalsultat, Acharobac, hors d'oeuvres andpastries through the most delicious main dishes full of the kindsand around Emden Moroccan as well as global. As you will finddelicious desserts delicious and beautiful that will adorn yourtable in the Eid al-Fitr and every day. This application is now mypregnancy and Enjoy you and your family in these recipescharacteristic of appetite and at the same time.Near the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan present to you thesimple gift Ttmthel in:It is a application that has the Arabic months recipes "pertainingto sweets and pancakes, which offers throughout the year, but beespecially favorable during the Eid al-Fitr at the level of ArabcountriesI have tried in these recipes that Combine several schools,especially Morocco, Egypt and Syria with a combination of thefinest global confectionery, which Aithamthel in the French school,which are available on a large global radiationFree Arabic application and contain 100% Ochehro delicious pancakesand sweetsHe loves everyone and many people, both large and small alikeThis application contains "Shahyoat-Fitr holiday pastries andpies," the most famous recipes Arab world and France's thirtyrecipe of delicious pastries and pancakes, which will gainadmiration for all tastes and our goal is to bring happiness toevery single house in the simplest waysHere in this application "Shahyoat Eid al-Fitr-sweets andAlaftaiShahyoat Moroccan new recipes and easy cooking MoroccancuisineEid al-Fitr 2015 SweetsConfectioneryFood and sweetsSweets Eid al-FitrCooks Eid al-Fitr 2015The cuisine new 2015New ways cuisineRamadan cuisineKalat quick and easy picturesCooks Links
خلفيات عيد الفطر 2015 1.0
Uvriste Inc.
يحتوى هذا التطبيق على صور خلفيات لعيد الفطرتصلح كتهنئة بين الاصدقاء بمناسبةعيد الفطر المبارك حيث جاءت الصورمصحوبة بعبارة كل عام وأنتم بخير وعبارة عيد فطر سعيد متنوعة الأحجاموالخطوط وقد تمت كتابها على خلفيات مبهجة بحيث تعبر عن فرحة العيدوجاءت الصور مزخرفة بالبالونات الملونة وصور الزهور وكذلك صور الألعابالنارية التى يتم الاستمتاع بها فى العيد فى الاماكن المفتوحة .خلفيات عيد الفطر , احدث صور عيد الفطر , عيد الفطر المبارك , خلفياتللتهنئة بعيد الفطر , اجدد خلفيات عيد الفطر , أجمل الخلفيات لعيدالفطر , بطاقات تهنئة العيد السعيدContaining thisapplication on Photos Wallpapers for Eid al-Fitr suitable Kthnihbetween friends Bmnasphaid al-Fitr, where the pictures cameaccompanied by words all Happy New Year and a holiday mushroomhappy variety of sizes, fonts have been her book on theexhilarating backgrounds to reflect the joy of the feast and thepictures came decorated with colorful balloons and pictures offlowers, as well as Photos fireworks are enjoyed on the feastoutdoors.Eid al-Fitr backgrounds, the latest Eid al-Fitr Photos, Eidal-Fitr, Eid al-Fitr backgrounds of congratulation, renewbackgrounds Eid al-Fitr, the most beautiful backgrounds for Eidal-Fitr, Eid Al-congratulatory cards
Cats Wallpapers 2015 1.0
Uvriste Inc.
Here you will find all the beautifulwallpapers of different kinds of cats like grumpy cat ....Have a nice journey with amazing cats seeing cats pictures is coollike listing to Mozart playing the cello !
خلفيات اسلامية 2015 1.0
Uvriste Inc.
تطبيق خلفيات اسلامية 2015 هو تطبيق إسلامييحتوي احدث الخلفيات إسلامية يتم إضافتها وتحديثها بشكل مستمر , لستبحاجه بعد اليوم للبحث في الإنترنت عن خلفيات إسلامية فجميعها أصبحتبين يديك . تستطيع اختيار وتحميل صور وخلفيات إسلامية لجوالك لكلالمناسبات .The application ofIslamic backgrounds 2015 is an Islamic application that containsthe latest Islamic backgrounds are added and updated on an ongoingbasis, you do not need anymore to search the Internet for Islamistbackgrounds, all of them have become in your hands. You can selectand download images and wallpapers for your mobile phone Islamicall occasions.
Talking علال القادوس 1.0
Uvriste Inc.
اللعبة النتظرة لسنة 2015 لعبة البطل الخارقمحبوب المغاربة علال القادوس.اضغط على صورة علال القادوس و تحدث و سيعيد علال كلامك .حرك هاتفك و سياجئك علال بحركاته الخارقة.Alentzerh game of theyear 2015 Game superhero loved Moroccan Allal hopper.Click on the image Allal hopper and will re-occur and Allalwords.Move your phone and Saijik Allal respective movements hacks.
Monster Trucks Wallpapers 1.0
Uvriste Inc.
Start enjoying beautiful monster truckswallpapers. Change the way you see your phone with your preferredwallpaper. Through our app you'll have at your disposal outstandingmonster trucks wallpapers.Monster truck wallpaper is the right choice for fearless,adventurous design!Crazy MonsterTrucks wallpapers.Monster truck hd wallpapers.Tons of awesome monster truck wallpapers.Features:✔ Backgrounds in HQ and HD, 1080p✔ Fast and intuitive interface✔ New photo every day✔ Cropping and trimming wallpapers✔ Create your own database of favorite wallpapersDownload today and have some fun!Give it a try while it's completely free!✔ Sending wallpapers via SMS (TXT), MMS, EMAIL✔ Share your photos with friends on FB, G +, Twitter✔ No pop-up ads✔ No background processes✔ No notifications
Analyse Humeur 1.0
Uvriste Inc.
Cette application est destinée uniquement àdesfins de divertissement.Le capteur tente de déterminer votre humeur par la façondontvous touchez. Il peut détecter de nombreuses humeurs etsoutientcapacités multi-touch.L'application Humeur Analyser permet de connaître votre humeurdujour. Il suffit de toucher du doigt l'écran et le frotter,unehumeur apparaîtra. Cette application très réaliste est tout demêmeà prendre à la légère. L'appli distingue plusieurs humeurscomme lacolère, la déprime, la peur, le romantisme ou encore lajovialitégrâce à un algorithme élaboré.Testez vos amis et être le centre de la fête! C'est leplussophistiqué et de haute irritable!- Les dossiers de vos doigts micro-mouvements et- Il utilise pour la visualisation d'analyse- Mignon réalisation graphique des émotions- Analyse réaliste et la présentation visuelle des données- La meilleure blague entre amis- Graphique haut de gamme, de haute technologie de simulation- Il s'agit d'une application blague pour duper vos amis, pasdevraie simulation!- Hd et graphiques haute résolution- Et le meilleur de tous: c'est gratuit!Description:Le plaisir énorme pour toute la famille. Le fameux poulet depouletsouffle vous montre comment cela fonctionne. Appuyez surl'écranavec votre doigt et il commence à enregistrer vosmicro-mouvementsinstantanée. Après le temps d'enregistrement del'analyse high-techcommence, à l'aide de haut calibre graphique 3Den temps réel etdes systèmes de particules en fonction Ontarioqu'il le mouvementenregistré précédemment. Comme il s'agit d'uneapplication detromper vos amis et rien de prendre trop au sérieux,toutsimplement s'amuser! C'est toujours une bonne blague ou farce àvosamis, et vous serez surpris de voir comment goot elle correspondlaplupart du temps. L'analyse multi-niveaux est suivie parlareprésentation cartoonesque de votre émotionnelrésultat.Laugh-out-loud situations inclus!La rétroaction est également très bienvenues! Si vous avezdesproblèmes, des questions ou des demandes s'il vousplaîtenvoyez-nous un e-mail. Nous ne pouvons pas répondre à destextesde notation parce que ce n'est pas pris en charge parGooglelui-même!Juste quelques-uns des nombreux états d'âme quisontdétectés:ColèreRaviLoveDérangéJoyeuxJollyFarfeluJoyeuxLe Cloud NineHumoristiqueRomantiquePeurDépriméPeurÉrotiqueMentaleThis application isonlyfor entertainment purposes.The sensor is trying to determine your mood by how you touch.Itcan detect many moods and supports multi-touch capabilities.The application allows to know Mood Analyze your mood.Justfinger and rub the screen, a mood appear. This veryrealisticapplication is still to be taken lightly. The appdistinguishesseveral moods such as anger, depression, fear, romanceor jovialitythrough an elaborate algorithm.Test your friends and be the center of the party! This isthemost sophisticated and high irritable!- Records of your fingers and micro-movements- It uses for displaying analysis- Mignon graphic design emotions- Realistic analysis and visual presentation of data- The best joke between friends- Graphic upscale, high simulation technology- This is a prank application to fool your friends, notruesimulation!- Hd and high resolution graphics- And best of all: it's free!Description:The enormous fun for the whole family. The famous chickenchickenbreath shows you how it works. Tap the screen with yourfinger andit starts recording your instant micro-movements. Aftertherecording time of high-tech analysis begins, using high-class3Dgraphics in real time and particle systems based Ontario thatthemovement previously recorded. As this is an applicationofmisleading friends and nothing to take too seriously, justhavefun! It's always a good joke or prank your friends, and you'llbesurprised how goot it matches most of the time. Themultilevelanalysis is followed by the cartoon representation ofyouremotional result. Laugh-out-loud situations included!Feedback is also very welcome! If you have problems, questionsorrequests please send us an email. We can not respond toratingtexts because it is not supported by Google itself!Just some of the many moods that are detected:AngerDelightedLoveDerangedMerryJollyWackyMerryThe Cloud NineHumorousRomanticFearDepressedFearEroticMental
Skulls Cam Tatoo 1.0
Uvriste Inc.
Skulls Cam Tatoo!!Need an awesometattoo?Hungry for ink? If you love tattoos, you will appreciateouramazing tattoo designs from around the world!Inspiring tattoo designs free!the best skulls tattoodesignsanywhere!Our tattoo designs focus is on skulls tatoo.Make sexy wallpapers and backgrounds from tattoos and check outournew tattoo of the day!
Sharks 2015 1.0
Uvriste Inc.
See shark pictures (including greatwhitesharks, nurse sharks, tigers sharks, and more) inthisapplication.Shark Week may be coming to a close, but that doesn’t mean wehaveto forget about these awesome creatures of the sea. Today wearetaking a look at some Shark best wallpapers for yourAndroiddevice. Some sharks are vicious, some are cute, but all ofthemlook great on your phone or tablet.Below you will find lot of wallpapers that should look great onanydevice. We’ve chosen a few different styles, from real photostocute cartoons. Hopefully one of these strikes your fancy.Let us know which one is your favorite, and be sure to shareascreenshot if you use one of these wallpapers! Are you a fanofShark Week?Check out our best Shark Wallpapers and Backgrounds anddownloadthem on all your devices.
Morocco Views 1.0
Uvriste Inc.
Morocco,officially the Kingdom of Morocco, isacountry in the Maghreb region of North Africa.Geographically,Morocco is characterized by a rugged mountainousinterior and largeportions of desert. It is one of only threecountries (with Spainand France) to have both Atlantic andMediterraneancoastlines.If you want to visit Morocco our application will be helpfulbecauseyou will find different pictures of different view andcities ofMorocco and also you can set them as your phone ortabletwallpapers.Find here the best wallpapers of Morocco cities with thehighquality definition.
Speedcars wallpapers 2015 1.0
Uvriste Inc.
If you love incredible car, racing Car photoHD is one of the FREE racing car you should install!This app provide ultimate High-Density Graphic/photo of racing carlike* porsche 911 Sport classic* porsche panamera* lamborghini aventador* ferrari laferrari* Forgestar F14 ferrari 360* Mansory ferrari F12 Berlinetta Stallone* Alfa Romeo super Car* BMW zagato* audi R8 V10 Plus* Aston martin vanquish* Mercedes SLS GT3* Acura NSX* Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse* Cadillac Evoq Concept* Ford Mustang GT* GM Camaro* Mitsubishi* Nissan GTR* Range Rover Sport* Ronn Motor Scorpion super Car* lexus IF LC* lexus LFAThe coolest autocar wallpaper applicaiont with a maximum resolution! It's free!!This application contains Fast and customized sports carswalkpaper.Speedcars wallpapers include many kinds of cars like BMW, Porsche,ferrari, Lamborghini, Aston Martin, and other kinds of cars!Enjoy the best visual effect of wallpaper on your screen!! Nonetwork connecting is required! No additional traffic! No extrafee!!This is NOT a lite version!This is a full featured application!We selected all the luxury sport cars and popular automobiles inthe world!! Put all the dreaming automobiles in your pocket andbring them anywhere!!You don't need to be worried about network connecting, becauseit is not required!High quality wallpaper and first time on GOOGLE PLAY STORE don’twait for any one grab it now.
General stories 1.1
Uvriste Inc.
Improve your english with englishshortstories. This is the fun way.A great resource for parents, babysitters, aunts,uncles,grandparents, or anyone who cares for a child.Throughout the history of recorded literature, the majorityoffictional writing has served not only to entertain but alsotoinstruct, inform or improve their audiences or readershipA lesson of ethical or practical significance expressed orimpliedin a story.If you want your child to learn to read by themselves andgraduatean awesome and confident little reader, you can helpthemaccomplish that!★Features★- Best collection of favorite stories- Classic fairytales, princess stories and aesop's fables- Easy and simple storyline- Original animations with adorable characters- works without wi-fi after downloading the application- you can enjoy the show anytime,anywhere! even on the plane!- This app support both mobile phone and Tablet Mode.♥ stories will be updated, so don’t miss the latestupdates!♥
Love Calculator - Fingerprint 1.0
Uvriste Inc.
Are you in search of true love?That a true and lasting love is based on trust, happinessandrespect for others.Love calculator - Fingerprint will give you some answers toyourquestions.Scan both of your fingerprints and the love calculator will showyouhow compatible you are. It's simple, place your fingertips onthescanner, keep them there for around 3 seconds, and youwillautomatically receive your love compatibility result and seeifyou're a good love match!The love calculator - fingerprint is the perfect app forparties,and not only! You can also have fun with this lovecalculatorduring a romantic evening for two, or a playful eveningfor three .Of course, you can do this love test if you are alreadyin arelationship, if you have just started to date, if you justwant tohave fun with love games with your friends, or if you wanttoconvince someone that you are not compatible !Use this application to know the loving affinity withyourpartner!Share love calculator result with your partner or friends onsocialnetwork.Come on! Download love calculator, put your love to a test andseeif he is elected.
Mexican food recipes 1.1
Uvriste Inc.
Learn recipes from Mexican food recipes–professional as well as accomplished home cooks bring you easytofollow recipe for mexican fare such as burrito,enchilada,quesadilla, taco, salsa. You can create a wide variety ofmexicanfood at home whether you’re aiming to cook for kids, orpreparehealthy, vegetarian options, or trying to impressguests.This App include lot of Mexican Recipes.If you love Mexican food then this the application for you.Itcontains best Traditional recipes with ingredients anddirectionsin preparing the same.This application will serve you lot of traditional and easy tomakeMexican recipes from different taste and items.Do you want to explore mexican recipes? From tacos and nachostomargaritas, get your favorite mexican dishes for your familyoryour friends with our mexican food recipes app. We provide youhugedelicious list of mexican recipes with detailed directions.Withthis app in your phone, you can learn how to make fresh salsasandtortillas, tomato sauces and other delicious dishes thatsurpriseyou and your loved ones.This application is very useful for mexican food lovers.Now, start cooking and enjoy the amazing flavors of themexicanfood.Happy cooking!!!
Ramadan Wallpapers 2015! 1.0
Uvriste Inc.
ramadan Wallpapers 2015 is a free app withthemost beautiful images of ramadan, the ninth month of theIslamiclunar calendar. It is made for all the Muslims around theworld whocelebrate and fast during this holiday.
Fairy Tales 1.1
Uvriste Inc.
It’s proven kids read more with FairyTales!Fairy Tales offers new stories every week, so it's easy forparentsand tons of fun for kids. Install to start reading todayforfree!Fairy Tales helps your children develop a love for reading.Fairy tales have reading levels to empower kids to read MOREontheir own and include a read along option with highlighted textfora personalized reading experience.New stories Added Weekly!! Thanks to all our fans around theglobehelping to make us the #1 children’s story app!New stories are being published every week! Don’t see yourfavoritekids tale? No problem - simply request your favorite talesand yourmost beloved story will be custom narrated and added. Kidswish fora favorite, we narrate and deliver!App don't requires connection to read the stories. Enjoy!listen: The BEST and MOST epic tales from all over theworld!Classic fairy tales, myths, legends Brought to Life!!!We welcome your feedback!
اكلات عيد الفطر (بدون انترنت) 2.0
Uvriste Inc.
اكلات عيد الفطر2015 حفيفة وجديدة و بدون انترنتبما انه ينتظر الصائم دائما ان تكون المائدة وقت الافطار مليئةبكلالاصناف حاولي تغيير الوجبات التقليدية التي اعتاد افراد اسرتكعليهامنك في هذا الشهر، واخترنا لك مجموعة من وصفات طبخ اكلاتعيدالفطرصحية جديدة وسهلة وسريعة وشهية بالصور و بدون انترنت.ومما لا شك فيه ان هذه الاكلات الجديدة سوف تحوز على اعجابجميعافراد اسرتك .. وهي عبارة عن اكلات عيد الفطر واطباق منوعة ليستمصريةبالاساس وانما من دول عربية اخرى سورية مغربية وفلسطينيةاردنيةولبنانية وعراقية جزائرية تونسية سهلة الصنع بحيث تجدي مكوناتكلوصفات اكلات رمضان الجديدة متوفرة في مطبخك او بامكانك الحصولعليهابدون تكاليف زائدة.أحلى أكلات عيد الفطر منوعة بالصور وروعة تثري مطبخك وسفرتكبابداعالطبخ و بدون انترنتاكلات عيد الفطر2015 وصفات عيد الفطر، اكلات عيد الفطر لذيذةالانبالخطوات 2015 وصفات واكلات عيد الفطر، اكلات عيد الفطرمصرية ,اكلاتعيد الفطر، وصفات عيد الفطرجديدة ومميزة 2015 ، مجموعة منالاطباق عيدالفطر الجميل واللذيذة و بدون انترنت.The cuisine Eidal-Fitr2015 Hvivh and new and without InternetAs he was waiting for a fasting person that always breakfasttimetable be filled with all varieties try to change thetraditionalmeals that your family members accustomed to from youin this month,and you chose a group of recipes and cookingmushrooms Aclataid newhealthy and easy, fast and appetite andimages without theInternet.There is no doubt that this new cuisine will be admired allyourfamily members .. It is a cuisine Eid al-Fitr and dishesvariety isnot Egyptian, mainly, but of easy to make other Arabcountries,Syria, Morocco, Palestinian and Jordanian, Lebanese andIraqiAlgerian Tunisian so useless components all recipes cuisineRamadanNew available in your kitchen, or you can get themwithoutexcessive costs.Eid al-Fitr cuisine sweeter variety of pictures andsplendorenriches your kitchen and your trip cooking creatively andwithoutInternetThe cuisine Eid al-Fitr 2015 Recipes Eid al-Fitr, thecuisinefestival delicious mushroom now steps in 2015 recipes andcuisineEid al-Fitr, the cuisine Alaftrmbarh festival, cuisine Eidal-Fitr,recipes holiday Alaftrjdidh and distinct in 2015, a set ofdishesEid al-Fitr beautiful and delicious and without theInternet.
Dragons Wallpapers 2015 1.0
Uvriste Inc.
Dragons are imaginations in fantasy booksandmovies. If you love the fantasy genre, then you willdefinitelywant to have a look at our application of DragonsWallpapercollections.The most beautiful backgrounds of dragons for the year2015!!!The dragon is a mythical creature that will enliven the screenofyour tablet and your smartphone.Dragon lovers, this APP is for YOU!-High quality retina images-Stunning beautiful pics of dragonsDownload this free App NOW!
Best Cars Wallpapers 1.0
Uvriste Inc.
This is not a cars game it's a carswallpapersapplication that contain the best cars in the wholeworld.A superb collection of real cars like :Mazda Raceway Lagunaseca,Ferrari, Dodge,Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Ford, Porshe,Lamborghini,bently,Bugatti.Ever wanted to try a sports car now you have the chance to makethemas your phone wallpapers and make it look glorious .For fans of racing games, racing simulation games, rally games,andeverything related to cars! This application give thesamefelling!
Airplane wallpapers 2015 1.0
Uvriste Inc.
“Airplanes Wallpapers 2015“ is a visualtreatfor airplane lovers. If you want to start dreaming about yournextvacation, you should consider getting the app so you can, atleastmentally, “take off”.Enjoy the aerial display of different types of popularairplanesflying across your smart phone in this wallpaper.Best ofall thisis absolutely free.Colorful Airplanes view Wallpapers for your Android devices!Download amazing Airplanes view images and set aswallpaper,makeyour mobile more attractive. This images isHighDefinition,Download and install the free application .Enjoy this pop abstract theme for your phone!